Monday, June 17, 2019

INTERVIEW - PAST TENSE What is your full name? Maria tudose When and where were you born? 1965 Did you have any nicknames? Nou i didn't What kinds of things did your family do together when you were young? Play cards Who were some of your friends when you were a child? Maria and Robert my two best friends What school did you attend? In the may city What were your favorite subjects in school?maths and culture What type of music did you listen to? I listened a classic music What was your first job? My first job Butcher shop Where did you travel when you were young? I traveled of capital of Romania

Thursday, June 13, 2019

CREDITS 1. What is the title of the film?charli i the xocolate factory 2. Who is the director?tim burton 3. Who is the screenwriter?john aug...